Topography of shore structures, seawalls, bank revetment, jetties, breakwaters can be long and difficult to survey by topographers. It is for that reason MESURIS designed TOPOMETRYXTM HR, a 3D multibeam laser scanner system that maps above the water simultaneously with multibeam sonar, a lot faster than conventional topography.

Topography of shore structures, seawalls, bank revetment, jetties, breakwaters can be long and difficult to survey by topographers. It is for that reason MESURIS designed TOPOMETRYXTM HR, a 3D multibeam laser scanner system that maps above the water simultaneously with multibeam sonar, a lot faster than conventional topography.

Following the concept of having an immediate operational system, TOPOMETRYXTM HR is permanently mounted and calibrated. TOPOMETRYXTM HR reaches a resolution till of 1000 points per M2 and allows geo-localized sounding point production which can integrate in any SIG or 3D viewer.

The cost of purchase and operating TOPOMETRYXTM HR is significantly reduced and and can be installed on any mobile such as boats, trains, road and off-road vehicles.