Commitments in respect for laws, customers, suppliers and non-corruption

Mesuris undertakes to always act with its customers and suppliers with loyalty, integrity, honesty and transparency and in the respect of laws and regulations. Mesuris tolerates no practice in the field of corruption, active or passive, direct or indirect, to the benefit of public sector actors or private sector and undertakes to respect all of the laws and regulations relating to the fight against corruption. Mesuris undertakes to not receiving gifts and gratuities commercial other than symbolic ones. Mesuris undertakes to never ask a third party to accomplish what it is forbidden by the ethics or the law. Mesuris undertakes to comply strictly with all regulations applicable to its export activities. Mesuris undertakes to comply strictly with the laws on fair competition and, in particular, those that prohibit agreements or maneuvers liable to restrict or distort competition, the trade and the manipulations of appeal procedures for public tenders or private. Mesuris undertakes to ensure the protection of information collected during the job. Mesuris ensures that their employees provide a total confidentiality to information collected.

Commitments in environmental matters

Mesuris undertakes to comply with all the laws and regulations for protection of the environment. Mesuris undertakes to fight and to put in place all the necessary actions to reduce the impact of its activity on the environment, in particular in respect to releases, energy consumption and waste. Mesuris undertakes to comply with all the laws, regulations including locally in road, maritime or fluvial traffics and security.

Commitments in social matters

Mesuris takes the commitment to employ, for the delivery of its services, only contracted personnel, and to comply with the obligations arising from the right of labor. Mesuris undertakes that the products sold are not the result of activities contrary to the Human Rights and the Rights of the Child. Mesuris undertakes to respect the principle of non-discrimination on ethnics, gender, color of skin, religion, political beliefs, social status, sexual orientation or other pattern. Mesuris undertakes to treat its employees with respect and to not make them suffer any ill-treatment in a physical form or a psychological one. Mesuris undertakes to meet the regulations for duration of the work. Mesuris undertakes to provide its employees with a safe and healthy working environment.